Recently sighted in the Carlton Reserve
Photos by Richard Toledo
Sparring Bucks
Click on the picture for link to YouTube video
captured on a trail camera in the Carlton Reserve, December 2019.
Many thanks to Donna Day, Ernie Winn, Martin Siesta for camera maintenance, data collection, & data entry
As well as Debbie Blanco for her interest and direction of this project
funded by Friends of the Carlton Reserve
Who's watching whom in the woods?
This sequence of trail camera pictures was captured
by Debbie Blanco in the Carlton Reserve
Guess who turned up for the first time (confirmed) in the history of the T. Mabry Carlton, Jr. Memorial Reserve ? CLICK HERE
Young bobcats napping. Pretending to be tigers? (note trail name)
Photo by Debbie Blanco
(click to enlarge)
In the
Carlton Reserve Today
Photo by Art
Bald eagles develop a white head and tail when they reach breeding age at 4-5 years.
Grasspink, Calopogon multiflorus
a terrestrial orchid that appeared within a few days after a prescribed burn in the Carlton Reserve.
Spring comes to Who-ville
Great Horned Owl Chicks in the Carlton Reserve
Photo by Art Smith
Click photo to enlarge
Wonder who's watching when you're on that solitary walk?
Stan Teague photographed these secret sharers.
A Catbird Reflects on
Wildlife Viewing Wildlife In the Carlton Reserve
photo of by Dave Cottrill
Click on photo to enlarge
Slideshow below by Dave Cottrill, Black Kat Graphics
Hummingbird clearwing, Hemaris thysbe,
photo by Darryl Saffer:
Beauty after prescribed burn
Grass Pink: Calopogon pallidus
photo: Debbie Blanco
Bobcat Photos by Ed Hess 3/31/15
Freshly hatched baby alligators on South Power Line
Photo by Sherm
Green Anole: shedding skin or latest haute couture?
Photo by Jean-Louis Dumaine
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest coyote of them all?"
Caught on trail camera in December 2012.
Shall we call him Spot?
This leucistic (partial albino) buck has been caught in our trail cameras several times over the past 6 years, each time with a more impressive set of antlers, visible in past photos.
Baby Black Racer
(non-venomous, beneficial, indigenous Florida snake)
Photo by Michael Robbins